How You Can Benefit from Increased Human Growth Hormone Levels

How You Can Benefit from Increased Human Growth Hormone Levels

Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is an important hormone that is naturally secreted by pituitary gland. HGH has a role in stimulating growth as well as cell regeneration. Without a doubt HGH is essential in human development. There are people who are suffering from unhealthy levels of HGH.

Excess HGH can impair vision and can cause headache. Prolonged exposure to excess HGH can also lead to insulin resistance, carpal tunnel syndrome, pituitary tumor, acromegaly (enlargement of nose, ears, hands, feet or other body parts) and many more. Lack of HGH on the other hand can lead to growth failure, osteoporosis, pituitary adenoma and pathologic fracture. With this, it is important that you maintain proper levels of HGH. If you maintain proper levels, there will be benefits like:

Increased muscle strength
Maintaining a good level of HGH can improve physical capacity. HGH can stimulate collagen synthesis in the skeletal muscle. Aside from that, it can also boost muscle strength, which is important to improve physical performance. There was a study conducted by the International Journal of Endocrinology that involved 14 men ages 50-70. Seven of the subjects were administered with HGH therapy while the remaining took placebo therapy. After 6 months they were evaluated and researchers found out that subjects with HGH therapy had increased muscle strength.

Facilitate weight loss
You have to know that body fat is related to HGH production. If you have higher body fat, you will have impaired HGH production. Deciding to reduce body fat through weight loss can help increase HGH production.

There is a HGH treatment with proprietary combination of nutrients, amino acids and peptides known as GenF20 Plus. This supplement is known for its anti-aging effects.

Stronger bones

HGH is important in bone growth particularly during puberty. HGH will stimulate the production of IGF-1. IGF-1 is secreted in the liver and discharged in the blood. HGH will stimulate cells that will help increase the mass of the bones.

Better mood
HGH can affect how you see life resulting to a positive and happy outlook. If you see that you lose weight or you look younger, it will surely improve your mood.

There is a growing list of HGH benefits that you should know about. With the help of research, there will be more benefits to be discovered. If you want to increase your HGH levels, there are many things that you can do but the most effective one is taking HGH supplements.

Before considering supplements, make sure that your doctor knows about it. This is to make sure that taking it will not counter any drugs you are presently taking. In terms of side effects, you have to be aware so you will know when to stop. Some side effects include gynecomastia, carpal tunnel syndrome, water retention, bloating, high blood pressure, swelling, acromegaly, fatigue and diabetes.
